數學 Core 數學 M1 數學 M2
大學數學 中三數學 Form 3 Mathematics
經濟 Economics 企會財 BAFS
物理 Physics 化學 Chemistry
生物 Biology 地理 Geography
Pure Maths 再現 Additional Maths 再現
HKDSE Mathematics 數學天書 訂購表格及方法︰https://sites.google.com/view/hermanyeung
M2 - Intensive Training A (HK$99)
M2 - Intensive Training B (HK$99)
M2 - Intensive Training C (HK$99)
M2 - Intensive Training D (HK$99)
M2 - Intensive Training E (HK$129)
M2 - Intensive Training F (HK$99)
M2 - Intensive Training G (HK$99)
HKDSE Maths 數學 12年 Past Paper Solution (最新 2023)(HK$49.9)
HKDSE Maths (M2) 數學 (M2) 12年 Past Paper Solution (最新 2023)(HK$49.9)
HKDSE Chemistry 化學 - Calculation Training A (HK$49)
Herman Yeung F.3 Maths 中三數學 (Exercise 3C) (500題)(HK$199)
DSE Economics
背 definition 的電子書 :
(中英對照版 - 230頁 (HK$19.90))
(純英文版 - 159頁 (HK$19.90) )
(純中文版 - 159頁 (HK$19.90))
Calculus 微積分手稿(HK$199)
Herman Yeung AL Pure Maths Book 1 (Question 1~100)(HK$299)
Herman Yeung AL Pure Maths Book 2 (Question 101~200)(HK$299)
Herman Yeung AL Pure Maths Book 3 - Mock Paper (Set A, B)(HK$299)
HKDSE Physics 臨考前 吃到飽 系列 (Question; Suggested Solution)(HK$79.90)
DSE M1 臨考前 吃到飽 系列 (Question & Suggested Solution)(HK$49.90)
數學 Core 數學 M1 數學 M2
大學數學 中三數學 Form 3 Mathematics
經濟 Economics 企會財 BAFS
物理 Physics 化學 Chemistry
生物 Biology 地理 Geography
Pure Maths 再現 Additional Maths 再現
HKDSE Mathematics 數學天書 訂購表格及方法︰https://sites.google.com/view/hermanyeung
M2 - Intensive Training A (HK$99)
M2 - Intensive Training B (HK$99)
M2 - Intensive Training C (HK$99)
M2 - Intensive Training D (HK$99)
M2 - Intensive Training E (HK$129)
M2 - Intensive Training F (HK$99)
M2 - Intensive Training G (HK$99)
HKDSE Maths 數學 12年 Past Paper Solution (最新 2023)(HK$49.9)
HKDSE Maths (M2) 數學 (M2) 12年 Past Paper Solution (最新 2023)(HK$49.9)
HKDSE Chemistry 化學 - Calculation Training A (HK$49)
Herman Yeung F.3 Maths 中三數學 (Exercise 3C) (500題)(HK$199)
DSE Economics
背 definition 的電子書 :
(中英對照版 - 230頁 (HK$19.90))
(純英文版 - 159頁 (HK$19.90) )
(純中文版 - 159頁 (HK$19.90))
Calculus 微積分手稿(HK$199)
Herman Yeung AL Pure Maths Book 1 (Question 1~100)(HK$299)
Herman Yeung AL Pure Maths Book 2 (Question 101~200)(HK$299)
Herman Yeung AL Pure Maths Book 3 - Mock Paper (Set A, B)(HK$299)
HKDSE Physics 臨考前 吃到飽 系列 (Question; Suggested Solution)(HK$79.90)
DSE M1 臨考前 吃到飽 系列 (Question & Suggested Solution)(HK$49.90)
連結 Link: Herman Yeung Blog 主目錄
連結 Link: Herman Yeung Blog 主目錄
18 則留言:
thank you so much for free materials!!
Herman Yeung is the best!
thanks a lot !!!
thank you very much :) your work is much appreciated!
your work means a lot to me & they really helped a lot. please keep on uploading useful resources like this here :)
why is another playlist of probability created instead of puting it under book D? next to more about probability? thanks
good herman sir is gooddddddddddddddddddddddd
thanks Herman
I love herman
in HY we trust
謝謝Herman Sir
i love herman
Herman thank you !一個chem 全級尾十變成咗頭三! Thank you for your efforts ����♀️����♀️����♀️����
Herman thank you !一個chem 全級尾十變成咗頭三! Thank you for your efforts ����♀️����♀️����♀️����
thank you!!!
雖然 library 無amaths 2004 sample paper
只要 google scribd 2004-Amaths-Sample-Paper
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Herman Yeung is the best!!!!!