2020年8月31日 星期一

Herman Yeung 電子書

M2 - Intensive Training A (HK$99)
1. Odd, Even functions 奇函數、偶函數 
2. Summation, Product signs 連加、連乘符號 
3. Mathematical Induction 數學歸納法 
4. Binomial Theorem 二項式定理 
5. Trigonometry 三角學 

1. e and Limit e與極限 
2. First principle 基本原理 
3. Rule of Differentiation 微分規則 
4. Application of Differentiation - Tangents 微分應用 - 切線 

1. Application of Differentiation - Rate of change 微分應用 - 改變率 
2. Application of Differentiation - Maximum and Minimum 微分應用 - 極大值和極小值  
3. Application of Differentiation - Greatest and Least 微分應用 - 最大值和最小值 
4. Application of Differentiation - 2 variables 微分應用 - 2變數
5. Application of Differentiation - Curve Sketching 微分應用 - 曲線描繪
6. Differentiation x Inequality 微分 x 不等式 

1. Rule of integration 積分規則 
2. Integration x compound angle formula 積分 x 複角 
3. High power trigonometry integration 三角學高次方的積分 
4. Trigonometric substitution 三角代換積分法 
5. t-formula t-公式 
6. Integration by part 分部積分法 
7. Reduction formula 歸約公式 
8. Integration x odd, even function 積分 x 奇偶函數 
9. Definite integral 定積分 

1. Application of integration - Area 積分應用 - 面積 
2. Application of integration - Volume 積分應用 - 體積 
3. Leakage problem 漏水問題 

1.    Determinant 行列式 
2.    Matrix – “+ – x” 矩陣 – “+ – x” 
3.    Matrix – Inverse Matrix 矩陣 – 逆矩陣 
4.    Matrix – Power of n 矩陣 – n次方 
5.    System of Linear equation – Non-homogeneous equation 線性方程組 – 三元非齊次方程組 
6.    System of Linear equation – Homogeneous equation 線性方程組 – 三元齊次方程組 
7.    System of Linear equation – Application 線性方程組 – 應用題

1.    2D Vector 平面向量 
2.    3D Vector 立體向量 


HKDSE Past Paper Solution :

Maths 數學 12年 PP Solution (最新 2023)  (HK$ 49.90)

Maths 數學 (M2) 12年 PP Solution (最新 2023)  (HK$ 49.90)


Calculus 手稿電子書  (HK$ 199)


HKDSE Chemistry 化學 的電子書 :

Chemistry - Calculation Training A (HK$49)

Type 1:    Isotopes 同位素
Type 2:    Relative atomic masses 相對原子質量
Type 3:    Avogadro’s number 亞佛加德羅數
Type 4:    Percentage of mass 質量百分比
Type 5:    Number of atoms / ions / molecules 原子/離子/分子的數目
Type 6:    Empirical formula / Chemical formula 實驗式 / 化學式
Type 7:    Mass of reactant / product 反應物 / 生成物的質量

Chemistry - Calculation Training B
Chemistry - Calculation Training C
Chemistry - Calculation Training D


HKDSE Economics 背 definition 的電子書 :

(中英對照版 - 230頁)  (HK$19.90)
(純英文版 - 159頁)  (HK$19.90)
(純中文版 - 159頁) (HK$19.90)



HKDSE Physics 臨考前 吃到飽 系列 (Question & Suggested Solution)  (HK$79.90)


DSE M1 臨考前 吃到飽 系列 (Question & Suggested Solution)  (HK$49.90)



2020年8月15日 星期六

生命簡史 古生物放置攻略 - 海生爬行動物

楯齒龍 Placodus

生存年代︰   2.5 2.3 億年前

體長︰            1 3

分佈區域︰    中生代海洋 Mesozoic Ocean

Order     盾齒龍目 Placodontia



Placodus used their protruding front teeth to pull out the hard shells of underwater invertebrates, and crushed the shells of prey with the flat teeth at the back.

Placodus is a land animal, but it goes to the sea to find molluscs, brachiopods and crustaceans as food.


幻龍 Nothosaurus

生存年代︰   2.3 2 億年前

體長︰            3

分佈區域︰    中生代海洋 Mesozoic Ocean

Order     幻龍目 Nothosauroidea



Nothosaurus slowly follows its prey, using its long jaws with needle-like teeth to catch fish and other sea animals.

Nothosaurus are semi-sea animals, and they may live a life similar to modern seals.


海龍 Thalattosaurus

生存年代︰   2.3 2 億年前

體長︰            4

分佈區域︰    中生代海洋Mesozoic Ocean

Order    海龍目Thalattosauria



Thalattosaurus resemble large lizards with long and laterally flat tails, which are suitable for living in the sea.

Thalattosaurus have big eyes, allowing them to have better vision in deep water, and there are bone rings around the eyes to prevent the eyes from being crushed by huge pressure in deep water.


海鱷 Pelagosaurus

生存年代︰   1.9 1.45 億年前

體長︰            7

分佈區域︰    中生代海洋Mesozoic Ocean

Order     海鱷亞目Thalattosuchia



Pelagosaurus has a fierce temperament.  Its limbs have evolved into flippers, and its tail is shaped like a fin, it moves very quickly in the sea.

Since its emergence, Pelagosaurus has been threatened by natural enemies such as Temnodontosaurus, Pliosaurus and Mosasauroidea, and has not been able to turn over till its extinction.


魚龍 Temnodontosaurus

生存年代︰   2.5 0.9 億年前

體長︰            223

分佈區域︰    中生代海洋Mesozoic Ocean

Order     魚龍目Lchthyosauria



The swimming speed of Temnodontosaurus can reach 40 kilometers per hour.  The fin-like limbs may be used to stabilize and control steering.  The staple food of ichthyosaurs may be fish.

Although Temnodontosaurus look like fish, they are not fish.


蛇頸龍 Plesiosaurus

生存年代︰   2 0.9 億年前

體長︰            320

分佈區域︰    中生代海洋Mesozoic Ocean

Order     蛇頸龍亞目 Plesiosauroidea

蛇頸龍以U形的嘴部、銳利的牙齒捕抓獵物,它們以兩對鰭腳推動身體,尾巴因為太短而不能推動身體前進。 在水中游泳時,頸部可能有控制制方向的功能。


Plesiosaurus uses a U-shaped mouth and sharp teeth to catch prey.  They are two pairs of fins to push the body.  The tail is too short to push the body forward. 

When swimming in the water, the neck may have the function of controlling direction.

The cervical vertebrae of Plesiosaurus are basically unable to move, and can only swing and lift in a very small arc, and they can hardly raise the neck.


上龍 Pliosaurus

生存年代︰   2 0.7 億年前

體長︰            415

分佈區域︰    中生代海洋Mesozoic Ocean

Order     上龍亞目 Pliosauroidea



Pliosaurus is characterized by a short neck, a long head, a large body, a streamlined shape, fast action and fierceness.

Pliosaurus are carnivorous animals, with long and strong jaws with multiple sharp teeth, which may hunt Temnodontosaurus or Plesiosaurus.


滄龍 Mosasauroidea

生存年代︰   0.7 0.65 億年前

體長︰            315

分佈區域︰    中生代海洋Mesozoic Ocean

Family    滄龍超科 Mosasauroidea



Mosasauroidea has a double-hinged jaw and skull, which can swallow its prey whole.  Its body shape is similar to modern monitor lizards, but it is more slender and streamlined.

Mosasauroidea expanded rapidly in the sea in the late Cretaceous and became top predators, completely replacing the niche of Pliosaurus within a short period of time and leading to its complete extinction.

資料來源︰生命簡史 古生物放置 遊戲的資料



DSE Physics 臨考前 吃到飽 系列

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