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Newspaper Cutting 021 - 030 (Vocabulary List)

a rash of = 大量 021-004
abandon = 放棄 024-020
absurd point = 荒誔的論點 022-032
access points = 通道的地點 027-019
adequate = 足夠 029-029
adhere = 堅持 023-014
administer = 管理  023-004
airbrush = 噴槍 024-019
amid = 在…之中  024-005
annoying = 煩人的 022-005
apologize = 道歉 027-015
appall = 驚恐 026-015
artificial sun = 人造太陽 025-001
assault = 突擊 026-001
assertion = 斷言  022-019
back and forth = 來來回回 022-007
backpack = 背包 026-020
bash = 重擊  026-007
blanket = 毯  027-021
bloodstream = 血液 023-007
blunt = 不客氣 029-010
boar = 公豬 028-008
boat ramps = 船用的斜坡道  027-005
bobcat = 山貓 028-012
bristled = 怒發衝冠  022-026
bullying = 欺凌 024-008
care home = 養老院 024-002
Care Minister = 護理部長 024-001
catastrophe = 災難 030-001
Caucasian = 白人 026-018
caution = 警告 022-025
clinical = 診所的 029-020
closure = 關閉  021-011
cluster = 簇 030-009
coalition = 聯盟 022-016
coast = 海岸 027-004
collaboration = 合作 029-023
collapse = 崩潰 030-005
comes on the heels of = 緊隨 022-022
commercial application = 商業應用 025-016
conceal = 隱藏 029-025
condemn = 譴責 026-005
confinement = 限制  025-012
confront = 面對 026-009
congregating = 聚集 027-010
constitutional crisis = 憲制危機 022-001
contrary to = 與之相反 022-020
cooler = 冷藏箱 027-020
core plasma temperature = 核心電漿溫度 025-015
coyote = 土狼 028-006
crimping availability of meat = 減少肉的供應 021-009
death toll = 死亡數字 024-018
deceased = 死者 029-015
declared himself = 自我宣布 022-004
descend = 降落 029-006
detective = 警探 023-001
deterioration = 惡化 029-030
diplomatic = 外交 022-013
dire = 說 029-031
disastrous = 慘重 021-014
discharge = 放電 025-013
discretion = 決定 029-001
disgraceful = 可恥 026-016
disregarded = 漠視 022-009
disrupt = 打亂 021-008
distraction = 分心 028-004
distress = 苦惱 028-021
drag = 拖動 026-013
eager to = 渴望 027-002
embrace = 擁抱 030-015
emerge = 出現 027-013
environs = 周圍環境 028-010
Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST)
= 先進實驗超導托馬克實驗裝置,又稱為「人造太陽」
fatalities = 死亡人數 027-008
federal-state = 聯邦州  022-006
fellow = 同伴 022-012
feverish = 發燒 030-006
fiery = 火熱 022-027
first and foremost = 首要的 021-016
founding fathers = 開國元勳 022-008
frontline heroes = 前線英雄 024-017
frustrated = 沮喪的 029-032
frustrating = 令人沮喪 023-010
furiously = 瘋狂地 024-010
fusion technology = 聚變科技 025-006
garbage = 垃圾 028-022
getting along = 相處 022-017
glimpse = 一看 029-021
governor = 總督 022-011
grill = 烤架 027-022
grocer = 雜貨商 021-006
gross negligence = 重大過失 029-002
had deserted = 離開了 029-012
halt = 停止 028-007
has been prasied = 得到了好評 030-014
heartfelt = 衷心 023-015
high-contagious virus = 高傳染性病毒 029-034
humanity = 人類 025-011
implore = 懇求 023-011
inability = 無力 023-009
incompetence = 無能 030-016
indefinitely = 無限期  021-001
independence = 獨立 022-030
interject = 插 024-006
intervention = 介入 029-014
intubated = 插喉 023-006
jabs at = 刺戳 022-010
kick = 踢 026-012
lamb = 羊肉  024-021
leap = 飛躍 025-014
literally = 從文字上看  028-015
livestock = 家畜 021-010
local news outlets = 本地的新聞出處 027-006
lodge = 小屋 028-019
long-term care facility = 長期護理設施 029-003
loosen restriction = 解禁 027-001
luxury = 豪華 029-004
magnetic constraints = 磁力約束 025-008
mankind’s energy problems = 人類能源問題 025-005
mature = 成熟 025-007
mayor = 年長的 021-012 026-004
meat shortages = 肉類短缺 021-002
medically induced coma = 人工昏迷 023-008
meeting venue = 會議場地 030-010
megalopolis = 大都市 022-023
mortality rate = 死亡率 030-025
multistate = 好多個州 022-015
naps = 小睡  028-003
nuclear fusion = 核聚變 025-003
offensive = 冒犯、有攻擊性 022-014
oppositional posture = 反對的姿勢  022-002
outpace = 超過 030-011
outrageous = 令人髮指 029-007
overshoot = 衝過 030-026
overturn = 顛覆 022-031
paramedics = 護理人員 030-007
patrol = 巡邏 027-018
peace officer = 治安官 023-019
perilously = 危險地  021-005
perspective = 透視 024-015
plasma heating = 電漿加熱 025-009
point scoring = 每分必得 024-012
pork processor = 豬肉處理器 021-003
poultry = 家禽 021-019
precursor = 前體、先導 030-019
premier = 首相 029-009
press briefing = 新聞發布會  022-028
pride = 自豪  028-017
prioritizing = 優先 029-036
profoundly = 深刻地 023-017
protective gown = 防護衣 030-020
province = 省 029-024
provincial = 省級 029-026
puffer jacket = 羽絨 026-019
punch = 以拳重擊 026-011
quiz about = 被詢問 024-004
racist = 種族主義者 026-003
ranger = 遊騎兵 028-011
reclaiming = 回收、墾荒 028-005
reemerging = 重新出現 028-009
repercussions = 反響、餘波 021-015
responder = 回覆 027-017
resume = 重新開始、恢復 021-017 027-003
revelation = 啟示 029-005
roaming = 漫遊 028-002
rob = 搶 026-002
roll back = 回滾 022-021
scene = 現場 026-014 029-017
screening = 篩選 029-035
secure = 設法得到 030-023
sedated = 鎮靜的 023-005
self-isolate = 自我隔離 030-021
severe = 嚴重 021-013
severity = 嚴重程度  027-016
shaggy = 毛茸茸 028-025
shocking = 令人震驚的  029-018
shoo = 用「噓」聲轟走 028-023
short-staffed = 人手不夠  029-016
slaughter = 屠宰 024-022
slaughterhouse = 屠宰場 021-007
slightest = 絲毫 024-011
snoozing = 打瞌睡 028-018
social distancing = 社交距離 027-024
soiled bed = 污穢左的牀  029-013
soiled diaper =污穢左的尿布 029-033
spark = 火花 024-007
spring breakers = 春假的放假者 027-014
staggering = 驚人的 029-008
stark = 強壯的 021-018
start to spike = 開始飆升 030-022
statewide = 全州  028-014
steady-state operations = 穩定態運轉 025-010
stench of urine and feces = 屎尿惡臭 029-019
stick together = 聚在一起 026-017
stretch = 伸展、延伸 029-028
strokes = 中風 030-008
strolling = 漫步 028-024
struggle = 鬥爭 029-022
struggle with = 掙扎 030-003
subsided = 消退 023-018
sunbathing = 日光浴 027-011
surfing = 衝浪 027-023
surge = 浪湧 030-004
sympathy = 同情  023-016
take a shot across the bow on = 鞠躬 022-029
tanning = 曬黑 027-009
tarmac = 停機坪 028-020
teeming with = 充滿 028-016
tense conversation = 緊張的對話 024-014
tent = 帳篷  028-013
testing kits = 測試套件  023-012
the gloves came off = 嚴重的爭吵 022-018
track the spread of the virus = 追踪病毒的傳播 023-013
tragedy = 悲劇 029-011
turn away = 拒絕 030-002
TV appearance = 電影亮相 022-003
ultimate solution = 最終解決方案 025-004
uncomfortable to watch = 觀看後感到不舒服 024-009
underlying = 底層的 030-013
underlying medical condition = 底層的醫學狀態 023-002
under-protected = 保護不足的 024-016
understaffed = 人手不足 030-018
untraceable = 無法追踪 030-012
uptick = 上升 027-007
ventilator = 呼吸機 030-024
verbally abused = 出語傷人 026-010
verify = 確認 024-013
victim = 受害者 026-008
violence = 暴力 026-006
vulnerable = 脆弱的  023-003
was accused of = 被指控 024-003
watchdog = 看門狗 029-027
were adamant on = 堅持  022-024
were criticized = 被批評  027-012
widespread = 廣泛 030-017
wildlife = 野生動物  028-001
witness = 證人  028-026
