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Newspaper Cutting 011 - 020 (Vocabulary List)

a clean bill of health = 身體健康證明  014-008
a global catastrophe = 全球災難  018-025
a huge chunk = 一大部分 012-039
abyss = 深淵  011-039
accused = 被指控 013-004
actress = 演員 019-038
adamant = 堅定的 020-005
Affirmative = 肯定、正面、樂觀 019-024
airlifting = 空運 013-015
alert = 警報 011-003
aliens = 外僑 012-025
alleged = 被指稱 020-072
allude = 暗示 020-011
alternative care sites = 替代護理地點 020-036
amid = 之中 013-021 016-016
an act of modern piracy = 現代海盜行為 013-011
Ancient string = 古弦 017-001
anecdotally = 軼事 019-012
another nail in the coffin = 棺材的另一口釘
anthropologist = 人類學家 017-021
anti-racism = 反種族主義 019-002
antiviral = 抗病毒 020-007
approaching = 接近 015-044
archeological site = 考古遺址 017-014
are bound for = 準備到 014-025
are hunted = 被打獵 016-008
arsonist = 縱火犯  018-030
assault = 攻擊 019-034
asset classes = 資產級別 011-036
astrologer = 占星家 020-054
astronomically higher = 天文數字更高 019-042
asymptomatic patients = 無症狀病人 014-031
attractive pelts = 吸引的毛皮  016-009
authoritative content = 權威性的內容 018-022
avidly = 狂熱地 020-071
backstop = 支撐 011-041
bail out = 紓困  011-040
bankruptcy = 破產 011-015
bark = the hard outer covering of a tree 017-025
being trapped = 受到限制 014-003
billion = 十億 015-010
biodefense = 生物防禦 020-031
biological weapon = 生化武器 020-040
bot accounts = 機器人賬戶  018-004
bronchial tubes = 支氣管 020-046
bully = 欺凌 019-033
bundle = 束 017-010
buried = 埋葬 017-028
calamity = 災害 020-068
capital controls = 資本控制  015-039
captivity = 囚禁 020-069
carcass = (大型動物的) 屍體 017-013
celebrities = 名人、明星、名流  018-010
circulating = 流通、循環 018-021 020-037
civilian = 平民  013-024
cliché = 陳詞濫調  019-006
closest extinct = 接近絕種 017-008
clouded leopard = 雲豹 016-001
cognitive capabilities = 認知能力  017-007
conceal = 隱藏  013-036
confiscated = 沒收 013-017
conflicting reports = 矛盾的報告  013-013
Congress = 國會 012-012
conifer tree = 針葉樹 017-026
conspiracy theory = 陰謀論  018-001 020-004
contagion = 傳染  011-035 020-050
contagious virus = 接觸性傳染的病毒 020-027
contingency = 可能發生的事 012-008
coordinated = 協調的  018-005
coordinated effort = 同心協力 018-003
copycat = 有樣學樣  018-031
cord = 繩子 017-012
coronavirus = 冠狀病毒 011-002 013-001
coronavirus pandemic = 冠狀病毒大流行 015-008
corporate = 企業  011-037
crash = 崩潰 015-016
credit market = 信貸市場 011-012
criticise = 批評 013-027
cubs = 幼獸  016-014
culturally diverse bubble = 多元文化的泡泡 019-022
currency strategy = 貨幣策略  015-034
custody = 保管 012-031
cybersecurity = 網絡安全 018-018
deadliest enemy = 死敵 020-017
debunk = 揭穿 017-016
decade = 十年 012-038
decisiveness = 決定性 015-026 020-016
dedicated = 敬業的團隊 018-023
defaults = 默認 011-038
defend the yuan = 捍衛人民幣 015-037
deficiency = 不足 017-032
deliberately misleading = 故意誤導  013-032
den = 獸穴 016-006
denominated = 計價 015-014
dependent = 依賴的  012-016
destined for = 寄往  013-007
deterioration = 惡化 011-007
diapers = 尿布 012-027
dimwitted = 傻的 017-018
disabled = 傷殘人士 012-004
disbanded = 解散 020-032
discouraging = 不鼓勵  012-023
disinformation = 虛假信息 013-033
disinformation campaign = 虛假宣傳運動  018-006
dispel = 打消  019-037
dispute = 爭議  018-032
disruption = 破壞  011-020
disruptive = 破壞性的  020-019
disseminate = 散佈 018-017
diversion = 轉移 013-010
divorced = 離婚  012-032
domestic retail investors = 本地散戶投資者  015-024
dominate = 支配 015-023
donning = 穿 016-015
eagerness = 渴望  013-038
ease off restrictions = 放寬限制 011-019
economic shock = 經濟震盪 011-010
eligibility = 合格 012-010
embassy = 大使館 013-020
emerging markets = 新興市場 015-021
enterprise = 企業  020-062
entirely = 完全 012-022
epidemic = 流行性  019-001
epidemic of hate = 仇恨流行 019-014
equities = 股票 015-022
eradicate = 剷除、除根 019-010
eruption = 噴發 011-008
escalate = 升級 019-013
estranged = 分居 012-033
et cetera = 等等 017-024
exchange rate = 匯率 015-006
exhausted = 筋疲力盡  013-025
extinction = 滅絕 017-031
falling through the cracks = 遭遺漏、被遺忘 012-001
false story = 虛假的故事 018-016
fatalities = 死亡人數  013-026
fatality rate = 病死率  020-052
fate = 命運 013-034
financial assets = 金融資產 015-003
fine-tune = 微調 012-006
fiscal policy = 財政政策  015-028
flu = 流感  020-009
fluctuation = 波動 015-005
footage = 鏡頭 019-015
forceful = 有力 011-029
foreign bonds = 外國債券 015-004
foreign exchange reserves = 外匯儲備 015-001
foreign national = 外國僑民 014-015
fragment = 碎片 017-009
freezing up = 凍結  011-013
fuelled = 加油 018-002
furniture = 傢俱 014-011
gain momentum = 日益壯大  014-017
gaining momentum = 增長勢頭 018-009
galvanised = 鍍鋅的、通電的 019-009
garnish (v) = 裝飾  012-036
genuine accounts = 真實脹戶 018-020
global contraction = 全球(經濟)收縮 011-017
global impact = 全球影響 015-007
grass-roots level = 草根階層  019-035
Great Depression = 1929年大蕭條  011-001
grocery = 食品 019-039
grocery store = 雜貨店 014-018 019-016
had criticised = 曾批評 013-016
haft = 裝上柄 017-022
hallmarks = 標誌 018-011
has bunked = 掩蓋了 020-039
has slipped = 滑倒了 015-018
have ramped up = 已經加速了  015-027
have seized up = 失靈 011-025
hidden risks = 隱藏風險 011-031
highly endangered = 高度瀕臨絕種 016-004
homelands = 家園 017-029
homo sapiens = 智人 017-020
honour = 榮譽 020-063
hostile = 敵對的 019-031
Hubei province = 湖北省 014-007
ignorant = 無知、愚昧  019-036
immigrant = 移民 012-003
in the blink of an eye = 一眨眼之間 011-043
in the meantime = 與此同時  013-029
inauthentic = 不真實的  018-007
incidence = 發生率 015-032
incompetence = 無能 013-037
incubation period = 潛伏期  020-051
indication = 指示 017-019
infancy = 嬰兒期  020-029
influenza virus = 流感病毒 020-020
ingenuity = 創造力 017-006
insurance policy = 保險政策 016-010
interconnected world = 互聯世界 020-014
international community = 國際社會 011-005
International Monetary Fund (IMF) = 國際貨幣基金組織 015-040
interspersed = 穿插  019-017
keep staff on their payroll = 保持員工獲得支薪 014-013
kick-start = 啟動 015-030
kitten = 小貓 016-012
lasting discrimination = 持久的歧視 014-030
lay blame on = 責怪某人 013-009
life-threatening = 致命的 018-026
likelihood = 可能性 020-013
litter = 窩 (垃圾以外的解釋)  016-007
livelihoods = 生計 012-013
lockdown = 封鎖 014-001 015-020
lockdown mode = 封鎖模式 019-030
mainstream = 主流 011-026
manipulate = 操縱  018-015
mankind = 人類 020-066
market stresses = 市場壓力 015-046
market turmoil = 市場動蕩 015-002
mass unemployment = 大量失業  011-024
massive = 龐大的 011-014
massive outflows = 大量外流 015-043
mast = 天線 018-029
medical gowns = 醫用保護衣  013-028
mental health = 精神健康 019-032
merit = 優點 017-030
microbe = 微生物 020-023
military = 軍隊 013-002
minimal safe level = 最低安全水平 015-041
mitigate = 減輕  018-024
mobolise = 動員 019-040
monetary policy = 貨幣政策  015-029
mortality rate = 死亡率 020-041
municipal = 市政的 014-020
murder scene = 謀殺現場 019-007
mysterious disappearance = 神秘失踪  013-014
navigate = 導航 017-033
Neanderthals = 尼安德特人  017-002
negative = 陰性 014-028
neonatal = 新生兒 016-013
nominal depreciation of assets = 資產名義貶值 015-013
nonverbal = 非語言 012-020
normalise = 正常化 015-031
notable = 值得注意的 020-008
notion = 概念 019-011
novel strain = 新變種 020-021
opposition party = 反對黨  013-030
opted = 選擇了 012-009
optimistic = 樂觀 011-016
originated = 起源 020-038
outbreak = 爆發 014-004
outpatient = 門診 020-033
outskirts = 效區 014-023
overdue = 逾期  012-037
overwhelmed = 不知所措  020-034
overwhelmed with stressful news = 覆沒於壓力大的新聞 016-003
pandemic = 大流行 012-014 014-016
panics = 恐慌  011-032
parliamentary = 議會  018-033
pathogen = 病原 020-030
Pearl River Delta = 珠江三角洲  014-026
pharmacy = 藥房  019-028
physical assault = 身體攻擊 019-027
physician = 醫師 020-053
piracy = 海盜行為 013-005
plague = 瘟疫 020-056
plant fibers = 植物纖維  017-004
plunge = 暴跌 015-009
pneumonia-like illness = 類似肺炎的疾病  020-045
podcast = 播客 (用 ipod 來 broadcast) 020-075
poetic = 詩意的 020-058
poll = 投票  015-012
pop culture = 流行文化 020-003
potential downside = 潛在缺點 015-036
preparedness = 準備 020-035
private carriers = 私人的運輸工具 013-023
prompted warning = 提出警告 011-009
prophecies = 預言  020-044
prophetic = 預言的 020-057
province = 省  014-029
psychic = 精神 020-043
qualify = 合資格 012-015
quarantine = 隔離 020-070
quatrain = 絕句 020-067
race = 種族 019-019
racist attacks = 種族主義的攻擊 019-020
ramped = 減速 015-038
reassure = 放心 015-025
rebound = 反彈  011-023
regime = 政權 018-035
reindeer = 馴鹿 017-005
reluctant = 不情願 013-022
renowned = 著名的 020-073
replicate = 複製  018-019
reserves portfolio = 儲備的投資組合 015-015
residential compounds = 住宅小區  014-010
resist = 抗 020-047
resume operations = 恢復運作 014-009
reticent = 沉默的 019-041
retract = 收回 013-019
rhyming = 押韻 020-059
ripped-from-the-headlines = 頭條新聞 019-018
rough estimation = 粗略估計 014-027
roughly = 大概 012-017
rule out = 排除 011-006
run its course = 自然退下去 016-018
scale down = 縮小 012-029
scapegoat = 代罪羔羊 013-035
scientific paranormal investigator = 科學超自然研究員  020-048
scramble = 爭奪  015-017
seasonal migration = 季節性遷徙 017-015
seclude = 隔離 016-005
secure = 確保安全 013-003
seer = 先知  020-055
self-proclaimed = 自稱 020-042
sentiment = 情緒、感情 011-030 019-003
severe = 嚴重 011-011
severely = 嚴重  020-026
shortage = 短缺  011-021
shunning = 迴避 019-026
simulation = 模擬 020-012
skeptic = 懷疑論者 020-074
slump = 暴跌 011-018 015-019
snares = 圈套 017-023
Social Security Administration = (美國)社會安全局 012-018
social unrest = 社會動盪 011-022
Spanish flu = 西班牙大流感 020-028
speculation = 投機 020-002
split = 分裂  012-030
spouse = 伴侶  012-034
stamp out = 撲滅 018-034
standby diagnostics = 待命診斷  020-006
state assembly = 州議會 013-031
state-backed campaign = 國家支持的運動 018-012
state-owned = 國有的 014-024
stereotype = 成見 017-017
stimulus = 刺激  012-028
stone-flake blade = 薄片石刀 017-027
strategist = 策略師  015-042
street-side stores = 街邊鋪 015-033
struggle = 鬥爭、掙扎 011-042 012-024
stuck = 卡住 014-012
subsidise business = 津貼業務 014-014
surge = 浪湧 018-013
surgical masks = 手術口罩 013-012
suspicious = 可疑的  018-008
swift = 迅速 011-028
talents = 天才  017-003
tax refund = 退稅 012-035
tax returns = 報稅表 012-011
the bill = 法案 012-007
threat = 威脅 011-004
threshold = 門檻 015-045
tighter market liquidity = 更緊絀的市場流動性  011-033
traction = 牽引力 018-027
traffic levels = 交通繁忙水平 014-021
transatlantic partners = 跨太平洋伙伴 013-018
transmissible = 可傳播的 020-024
trembling = 發抖 019-008
triggering = 引發 011-034
trillion = 兆 (萬億) 012-002 015-011
trio = 三重奏 019-023
troop support = 軍隊支持  013-006
troy ounces = 金衡盎司  015-047
twisted together = 扭在一起  017-011
uncertain future = 不確定的未來 016-011
uncertainty = 不確定性  011-027
undue = 不當的 020-064
unprecedented = 前所未有的  014-005
unscripted = 沒有字幕 019-005
upcoming = 即將來臨 020-010
uptick = 上升 018-014
urge = 敦促 013-039
urgency = 緊急  012-005
vaccination = 接種疫苗  016-002
vain = 徒勞 020-061
vandalise = 破壞行為 018-028
vanish = 消失 020-049
venue = 會場 019-029
verbal harassment = 言語騷擾  019-025
verses = 經文 020-060
Veterans Affairs = 退伍軍人事務部 012-019
vibrant = 充滿活力 014-019
victimised = 受害的  019-021
viral outbreak = 病毒性爆發 018-036 020-001
virologist = 病毒學家 020-018
virulent = 有毒 020-022
virus-free = 無病毒 014-032
vulnerable = 脆弱的  020-025
was diverted en route from = 被從…中轉移  013-008
was identified = 被確認 014-022
waves = 波浪 020-065
weaponized disease = 武器化病毒 020-015
were lifted = 被抽起 014-006
were subdued = 被制服了  015-035
wipes = 濕巾 012-026
Wuhan natives = 武漢當地人 014-002
yell = 叫喊  019-004



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