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Newspaper Cutting 001 - 010 (Vocabulary List)

a lack of trust = 缺乏信任  010-15
a variety of materials = 不同的物料 004-20
a vast majority = 大多數 010-41
abundant = 豐富  005-03
accessibility = 可接近性  005-20
accuse = 指控 008-01 008-12
acknowledge = 確認 004-05
affordable = 負擔得起的  005-37
allegation = 指控 008-19
amid = 之中 009-08
appetite = 胃口 002-34
appointment = 約定 004-36
asteriods = 小行 002-30
Astronomer = 天文學 002-06
astronomical figure = 天文數字 009-28
Astrophysical journal = 天文物理期 002-19
asymmetry = 不對稱 010-40
asymptomatic = 無症狀的 004-11
at odds with = 不一致 004-44
availability = 可用性 005-19
awareness = 意識 010-08
Ayutthaya Elephant Palace = 阿瑜陀耶 (旅遊景點) 003-08
bandana = 頭巾 004-58
being strained = 緊張  010-37
beleaguered = 陷入困境的 004-19
beyond = 超越 010-33
beyond expectations = 出乎意料 001-07
billion = 10  009-14
black dwaft = 黑矮 002-22
bleaker = 嚴峻 007-04
buffalo = 水牛 003-33
business process outsourcing (BPO) industry
= 業務流程外包的行業 
carbon emissions = 碳排放  005-39
carer = 照顧者 003-18
cautious = 謹慎 004-15
claw back = 奪回 006-18
clue = 002-23
coin (v) = to invent a new word or expression,
or to use a particular way for the first time.
collective responsibility = 集體責任 004-47
collective value = 集體價值 006-41
community = 社區 001-13 004-41
competitive advantage = 競爭優勢  005-14
complement = 補充 005-21
computer simulation = 電腦模 002-27
confiscating = 沒收 008-13
consortium = 財團  009-31
contain the spread of = 遏止 004-06
contention = 爭奪 004-45
contradict = 抵觸 010-19
convertible bonds = 可換股債券 009-29
Coronavirus = 冠狀病毒 001-01 004-01
coronavirus pandemic = 冠狀病毒大流行 003-01
corpse = 002-17
cottage industry = 手工業 004-51
cough = 咳嗽 004-29
cover-ups = 掩蓋 006-19
crew = 船員 009-22
critical = 危急 006-14
critical case = 危急情況 006-38
criticism = 批評 003-26
crucial = 關鍵 004-55
cruise liner = 遊輪 009-24
cruise ship = 遊輪  009-04
cultural norm = 文化規範 004-46
cumbersome = 麻煩的 006-35
curb = 抑制 004-28
customised = 訂造 004-52
death toll = 死亡人數 006-11
decade = 10  007-03
decent = 體面的  005-38
declare = 宣布 001-09
declined = 拒絕  008-41
deepest dive on record = 最深的潛水紀錄  007-32
deer = 鹿 003-23
depleted = 耗盡的 005-11
deploy = 部署  010-31
depreciating in value = 價值折舊 009-03
deprive = 剝奪 004-56
deputy director = 副主任  010-46
desirability = 希求  009-15
desperately = 絕望地 006-04
despite = 儘管 005-18
determine = 決定 006-05
devastating = 毀滅性 007-16
devouring = 002-10
dim outlook = 前景暗淡  007-29
dimming = 變暗 002-12
dirty tricks = 骯髒的把戲  008-03
disastrous = 災難性的 009-20
discourage = 不鼓勵 004-17
disintegrate = 002-33
disrupt = 打亂 003-20
disruption = 002-32 010-23
distress = 苦惱  008-34
distrust = 懷疑 008-25
diverse = 多樣的 005-30
dominate = 支配 008-22
dongles = 加密狗 (一種軟件加密方式 010-27
donors = 捐贈者 003-45
doom = 002-26
downturn = 低迷  007-17
drought and wildfires = 乾旱和野火 003-50
dry-run = 預演 007-30
earmark = 做左記號 008-16
eclipsing the record before = 破盡以前的紀錄 007-12
Economist = 經濟學家 007-02
elephant keepers =  大象飼養員 003-17
elephant sanctuary = 大象避難所 003-43
embassy = 大使館 008-17
emergency decree = 緊急法令 003-15
emerging = 新興 010-14
emerging economies = 新興經濟 010-01
encapsulate = 裝入膠囊  007-08
endure = 002-28
enormously = 極大地  005-09
entire second quarter = 整個第二季  007-10
entrance fees = 入場費 003-32
epidemic = 流行性 001-14
essential = 必要的 004-35
exemptions = 豁免 010-22
exoplanet = 系外行 002-25
false sense of security = 錯誤的安全感 004-42
fatalities = 死亡人數 006-15
federal government = 聯邦政府  008-18
fields = 003-14
flat out = 全速地 006-06
flout = 嘲笑 004-43
folks = 鄉親 004-25 007-28
forage = 飼料 003-38
foraging for food = 覓食 003-13
forecast = 預測 009-16
forthcoming = 即將來臨 004-34
fossil fuel = 化石燃料 005-06
founder = 創辨人 003-31
frequent handwashing = 勤洗手 001-17
friction = 摩擦力  007-13
frustration = 挫折 010-42
fueling tensions = 加劇緊張  008-10
geographical = 地域性 001-08
Global cruise ship fleets = 環球遊輪艦隊 009-01
global travel restrictions = 全球旅遊限制 003-44
gobble something up = 狼吞虎 002-20
Great Depression = 1929年的大蕭條  007-01
Greek = 希臘 002-11
grocery = 雜貨鋪 004-37
gross tonnage = 總噸位 009-13
Guidance = 指引 004-10
habitat = 棲息地 003-21
halting supplies = 停止供應  008-37
hamper = 阻止 009-27 010-35
hampering = 妨礙 008-04 010-04
has been declared = 被宣布 001-03
has temporarily closed = 臨時關閉 003-30
heartbreaking = 心碎 007-05
highlight = 突出  008-24
hire out = 租出 003-19
hotspot = 熱點 006-22
hubs = 集線器  010-21
hydro resource = 水資源  005-26
hydropower = 水力發電  005-02
hydropower dams = 水力發電水壩  005-15
hygiene = 衛生 001-16
hypoxaemia = 低氧血症 006-28
idle =   009-25
idle industry = 閒置行業 009-02
immunity = 免疫 001-05
impact = 影響 005-17
in transit through = 在途中 008-14
incident = 事件 008-23
indigenous = 原住民 005-28
infectious particles = 傳染物質 004-27
inflicted = 造成 006-26
inspection = 002-14
intensive care units = ICU 加護病房 006-39
interconnect = 相互聯繫  005-36
intervention = 介入 003-27
irregular rate = 不規則的速 002-13
KPMG = 四大會計師樓之一  007-06
lagged = 落後 004-49
leaseback sales = 售後回租  009-30
life threatening = 威脅生命 006-30
life-saving ventilator = 拯救生命的呼吸機 006-07
light-year = 002-09
linen = 麻布  004-22
literally = 從字面上看 006-10
litter = (垃圾) 002-24
lockdown = 封鎖  010-10
lockdowns = 鎖定  010-26
lodging = 住宿 003-47
logging = 伐木 003-53
logistical = 後勤  010-25
lost its appeal = 失去吸引力 009-07
lucrative = 有利可圖 009-06
mad scramble = 瘋狂爭奪 006-17
mahouts = 馴象員 003-16
mainstream = 主流 010-17
maintaining a safe distance from people
= 與人保持安全距離
mantle = 002-29
marmoset =
mask = 口罩 004-02
mass closure of businesses = 大量生意的關門  007-23
massive bank failures = 大量銀行倒閉  007-19
meantime = 與此同時  007-26
meanwhile = 與此同時  007-21
medical ventilator = 醫學呼吸機 006-01
medical-grade masks = 醫學級的口罩 004-18
meerkats = 貓鼬 003-39
mental health = 精神健康 010-44
micro-hydro and solar hybrid = 小型水力及太陽混合  005-31
Milan = 米蘭 006-02
military aircraft = 軍用飛機 006-24
mother of all financial crises = 所有金融危機之母 007-33
narrative = 敘述 008-08
nation = 國家 008-09
near standstill = 接近停滯  009-18
Necro = 002-04
new normal = 新常態  010-09
non-invasive = 非入侵性 006-40
notably = 明顯地 003-28
novel coronavirus = 新冠狀病毒 010-12
OECD = Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development = 經合組織 
official guideline = 官方指引 004-04
ordinarily = 通常地 006-37
organ damage = 器官損傷 006-29
outbid = 勝過  008-32
outbreak = 爆發 001-02 003-02
outsourcing firm = 外包公司 010-06
overbid = 出價過高  008-33
overwhelmed = 不知所措的 004-50
pandemic = 大流行 001-04 006-03 010-47
pandemic-induced downturn = 大流行引致的低迷 007-31
papaya = 木瓜 003-37
para grass grounds = 巴拉草草地 003-42
pathogen = 病原 006-21
persist = 持續 009-10
personnel training = 人員培訓 006-34
perspective = 透視  007-27
pharmacy = 藥房 004-38
physical distancing = 物理距離 004-14
piracy = 海盜行為 008-02
planetology = 行星 002-05
plea = 懇求 003-49
plummet = 暴跌 009-26
pollutants = 污染物  005-08
power grid = 電網  005-24
precede = 先於  007-18
precipitously = 險峻地 006-27
Pre-print = 預印本 (研究成果但未正式出版) 002-18
problematic = 有問題的  010-24
prolonged = 延長  007-15
protocols = 協議 001-15
quarantine = 被隔離  009-21 010-11
quilter = 縫被子的人 004-53
racing against the clock to = 爭分奪秒 006-25
raid = 襲擊 003-29
ramp up = 逐步加大 006-32
ramp up production = 逐步加大生產 008-42
raw chickens = 生雞 003-41
realized = 002-15
reconfigure = 重新配置 006-31
record-breaking = 破紀錄 007-11
recreational site = 娛樂場所 003-04
reinforce = 加強 004-13
reliance = 依賴  005-10
rely on = 依靠 003-25
remote = 遠程  005-33
renewable = 再生 005-01
research and development = 研究及開發 006-09
resources-intensive = 資源密集 006-33
retribution = 報應  008-38
reversal = 逆轉  004-16
rivals = 對手 008-39
roam = 漫遊 003-24
roar = 怒吼 006-23
ruins = 廢墟 003-12
rural communities = 農村社區 005-34
safety measures = 安全措施 004-24
sanctuary = 避難所 003-51
savior = 救世主 006-20
scarve = 圍巾 004-59
scattered = 分散的 005-32
scepticism = 懷疑論 008-29
Scientist = 科學家 002-01
scooping up water = 兜起水 003-09
scramble = 爭奪 007-20
scramble = 爭奪 010-13
SDGs = sustainable development goals
= 可持續發展目標 
seamless = 無縫  007-25 010-38
second wave = 第二波 001-12
seek = 尋找 006-12
serious setback = 嚴重挫折 003-05
severe = 嚴重 006-13
sew = 004-57
shift gears = 突然改變講法 004-09
shipyard = 造船廠 009-12
shun = 避開 009-05
significant humanitarian implications
= 重大人道意義 
significantly = 重要地 005-07
signoffs = 簽收  010-30
silk = 絲綢 004-21
skunk = 臭鼬 003-36
sneeze = 噴嚏 004-30
social safety net = 社會安全網  007-07
solar energy = 太陽能 005-12
solar farm = 太陽能農場
Solar System = 太陽 002-03
sorting = 篩選 007-24
spiraled = 螺旋式  007-14
splashing it on = 潑濺 003-11
spread = 傳播 001-06
spree = 狂熱 009-32
standstill = 停頓 008-28
stark contrast to = 與之形成鮮明對比 006-36
startling = 吃驚的 004-48
state = 004-03
state-owned = 國有  005-16
stranding = 擱淺、滯留、被困 009-19
stray = 流浪 003-52
string = 008-30
struck = 打擊  009-17
struggle = 鬥爭  010-34
substitute = 替代品 004-23
supernova = 超新 002-21
suspicion = 懷疑 004-07
suspicion = 懷疑 008-07
suspicious = 可疑  010-03
sustainable = 可持續的 005-04
swathes = 大片 010-39
swooping = 猛撲 008-31
symptomatic = 有症狀的 004-40
symptoms = 症狀 004-31
tackle = 應對  008-05 008-26
take a toll on = 付出代價 010-43
take selfies with = ...自拍 003-06
tarmac = 停機坪  008-40
template = 模板  005-40
temporary closure = 臨時關閉 003-03
terawatt = 太瓦 (1012次方瓦) 005-05
Thailand's Songkran festival = 泰國潑水節 003-07
thermal energy = 熱能 005-27
three shifts = 三更 006-08
threshold = 門檻 001-10
thriving = 興旺 002-35
tidal disruption = 潮汐瓦 002-16
tight grip = 緊握 010-45
tirelessly = 孜孜不倦 010-29
transatlantic allies = 跨大平洋聯盟 008-11
transatlantic partners = 跨大平洋伙伴 008-20
transitional period = 過渡時期  010-32
transmission  = 傳染 004-12
triage = 分流 006-16
tropical monsoon climate = 熱帶季風氣候  005-23
trunks = 樹幹 003-10
tune = 論調 004-33
ultimate decision = 最後決定 001-11
undersupply = 供不應求 004-54
unidentified = 身份不明  008-15
unleash = 發揮 008-27
unleashed = 釋放 008-06
unnecessary = 多餘 004-08
unprecedented = 前所未有的 010-28
unprecedented surge of = 前所未有的巨浪 008-35
urge = 敦促 004-39 010-36
urgency = 緊急 003-48
utilities = 公用事業 005-25
vast majority = 絕大多數 007-09
vast sums of money = 巨額資金 009-11
vessel = 船隻 009-09
veterinary surgeons' advice = 獸醫的建議 003-40
visionary = 有遠見的  010-07
vitally = 至關重要的 004-26
volunteers = 義工 003-46
voyage = 旅行 009-23
waged war = 發動戰爭 003-22
was sparked by = 被激發  007-22
waterway = 水路  005-22
white dwarf star = 白矮 002-08
widespread = 廣泛 004-32
wild west = (美國初期的) 西大荒  008-21
wildcats = 野貓 003-35
wind energy = 風能 005-13
withstand = 002-31
Witness = 002-02
work in progress = 工作進行中 010-02
work-from-home schemes = 在家工作計劃 010-05
working remotely = 遙距工作  010-16
