2020年4月28日 星期二

Herman Yeung YouTube 免費筆記下載 之 Additional Maths 再現

1a. Mathematical Induction 數學歸納法 - note
1b. Mathematical Induction 數學歸納法 - Training
2a. Binomial Theorem 二項式定理 - note
2b. Binomial Theorem 二項式定理 - training 1
2c. Binomial Theorem 二項式定理 - training 2
3a. Quadratic Equation & Inequality 二次方程式及不等式 - note
3b. Quadratic Equation & Inequality 二次方程式及不等式 - training 1
3c. Quadratic Equation & Inequality 二次方程式及不等式 - training 2
4a. Trigonometry 三角學 - note 1
4b. Trigonometry 三角學 - training 1-1
4c. Trigonometry 三角學 - training 1-2
4d. Trigonometry 三角學 - training 1-3
4e. Trigonometry 三角學 - note 2
4f. Trigonometry 三角學 - training 2-1
5a. Straight line 直線 - note
5b. Straight line 直線 - training
6a. Circle 圓形 - note
6b. Circle 圓形 - training
7a. Locus 軌跡 - note
8a. Differentiation 微分 - note 1
8b. Differentiation 微分 - training 1
8c. Differentiation 微分 - note 2
9a. Integration 積分 - note
9b. Integration 積分 - training 1
9c. Integration 積分 - training 2
10a. Vector 向量 - note
10b. Vector 向量 - training


Herman Yeung YouTube 免費筆記下載 之 Pure Maths 再現

1. Mathematical Induction 數學歸納法
2. Binomial Theorem 二項式定理
3. Polynomial 多項式
4. Inequality 不等式
5. Limit of sequence 序列極限
6. Matrix 矩陣
7. System of linear Equation 線性方程組
8. Conic Sections 圓錐曲線
9. Differentiation 微分
10. Integration 積分
11. Complex number 複數
12. Function 函數


Herman Yeung YouTube 之 Junior Maths 初中數學

1.  Law of index 指數定律
2.  Rational & Irrational number 有理、無理數

Herman Yeung F.3 Maths 中三數學 (Exercise 3C) (500題) (HK$199)


Herman Yeung YouTube 免費筆記下載 之 Chemistry 化學

               View        For Print
All :    (172 MB)     (988 MB)    Ch 00 - Ch 12
Google Play 圖書下載連結︰ https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=LwyMDwAAQBAJ
Ch 00 :   (4 MB)     (23 MB)      Miscellaneous  雜項
Ch 01 :   (6 MB)     (34 MB)      Planet Earth  地球
Ch 02 :   (20 MB)   (115 MB)    Microscopic World I  微觀世界I
Ch 03 :   (16 MB)   (95 MB)      Metals  金屬
Ch 04 :   (20 MB)   (118 MB)    Acids and Bases  酸和鹽基
Ch 05 :   (33 MB)   (196 MB)    Fossil Fuels & Carbon Compounds  化石燃料和碳化合物
Ch 06 :   (9 MB)     (53 MB)      Microscopic World II  微觀世界II
Ch 07 :   (20 MB)   (119 MB)    Redox, Chem Cells & Electrolysis  氧化還原、化學電池和電解
Ch 08 :   (4 MB)     (26 MB)      Chemical Reactions and Energy  化學反應和能量
Ch 09 :   (4 MB)     (26 MB)      Rate of Reaction  反應速率
Ch 10 :   (2 MB)     (10 MB)      Chemical Equilibrium  化學平衡
Ch 11 :   (17 MB)   (98 MB)      Chemistry of Carbon Compounds  碳化合物的化學
Ch 12 :   (11 MB)   (68 MB)      Patterns in the Chemical World  化學世界中的規律


Herman Yeung YouTube 免費筆記下載 之 Physics 物理

             View        For Print
All :      製作中                        Ch A - Ch E
Ch A :   (12 MB)   (64 MB)     Heat & Gases 熱和氣體
Ch B :   (16 MB)   (87 MB)     Force & Motion 力與運動                                      
Ch C :   (50 MB)   (267 MB)     Wave Motion 波動學   

Herman Yeung YouTube 免費筆記下載 之 Economics 經濟


All-in-one note (黑白 version)

              View        For Print
All :      製作中       黑白version                 Ch A - Ch J + Ch E1 - E2
Ch A :   製作中       黑白version
Ch B :   製作中       黑白version                          
Ch C :   (38 MB)   (209 MB)     Market & Price 市場與價格 
Ch D :   製作中       黑白version
Ch E :    製作中      黑白version
Ch F :    製作中      黑白version
Ch G :    製作中     黑白version
Ch H :    製作中     黑白version
Ch I :    製作中      黑白version
Ch J :    製作中      黑白version
Ch E1 :    製作中    黑白version
Ch E2 :    製作中    黑白version


背 definition 的電子書 :
(中英對照版 - 230頁) (HK$19.90)
(純英文版 - 159頁) (HK$19.90)
(純中文版 - 159頁) (HK$19.90)



Herman Yeung YouTube 免費筆記下載 之 BAFS 企會財

2021年 BAFS 從新出發的筆記
1. 暫時只有116頁,會不斷更新  (Last updated : 7 Nov, 2021)

2016年拍 BAFS 時的筆記 
1.  企會財 BAFS (Core Part) Note
2.  企會財 BAFS (Elective IIB) Note


Herman Yeung YouTube 免費筆記下載 之 大學數學

1.  University Probability 大學概率
2.  Calculus 微積分 - Shell Method 外殼法 


Herman Yeung YouTube 免費筆記下載 之 數學 M2

歷屆試題 Past Paper (香港公共圖書館)

1. Intensive Course Note (Full version)

Herman Yeung YouTube 免費筆記下載 之 數學 M1

歷屆試題 Past Paper (香港公共圖書館)

1. (New) Intensive Course Note

Herman Yeung YouTube 免費筆記下載 之 數學 Core

歷屆試題 Past Paper (香港公共圖書館)

1.  一天衝刺課程 
2.  數學 Core Big Lemon Coke 課程 Lesson 1-4
3.  數學 Core 奪保其星 Lesson 1-4

4.  All-in-one 溫書筆記書仔
5.  數學天書 B 之 Supplementary Note
6.  數學天書 C 之 Supplementary Note

(1)  數學一天衝刺課程

(2)  數學 Big Lemon Coke 課程

(5)  數學天書 B 之 Supplementary Note

(6)  數學天書 C 之 Supplementary Note


2020年4月21日 星期二

Newspaper Cutting 031 - Negative $40 oil reflects panic - and U.S. crude market economic reality

Vocabulary : 
(1) panic = 恐慌 
(2) crude market = 原油市場 
(3) desperate = 絕望的 
(4) fled = 逃離 
(5) negative territory = 負數的區域 
(6) recognition = 承認 
(7) sap = to make someone weaker or take away strength or an important quality from someone, especially over a long period of time 
(8) massive glut of oil = 大量過剩的油 
(9) barrel = 桶 
(10) drain = 外流 
(11) hub = 樞紐 
(12) sell-off = 賣光 
(13) technicalities = 技術性 
(14) take possession of = 佔有 
(15) Cushing = 俄克拉荷馬州庫欣市 
 (16) unappetizing option = 唔開胃的選擇 
(17) the mad rush = 狂奔 
(18) unprecedented = 前所未有的 
(19) collapse = 崩潰 
(20) edged = 使銳利 
(21) was breached = 被違反 
(22) piled in = 堆積在 
(23) first Gulf War = 第一次波斯灣戰爭 
(24) market dislocations = 市場錯位 
(25) outweigh = 勝過 
(26) mandate = 授權 
(27) swiftly = 迅速地 
(28) nonetheless = 儘管如此 


Negative $40 oil reflects panic - and U.S. crude market economic reality - 21 Apr, 2020 

(Reuters) - Traders desperate to avoid owning oil fled the markets on Monday, sending crude futures into negative territory for the first time ever, in recognition that the coronavirus pandemic has sapped demand for fuel and there is not enough storage for the massive glut of oil present on U.S. soil. 

Investors sold the May futures contract due to expire on Tuesday in a series of waves. At one point the contract hit negative $40. When the trading stopped, crude oil had ended the day at a negative $37.63 a barrel, a decline of some 305%, or $55.90 a barrel. 

For as sudden as the day's declines were, it was weeks in the making. The coronavirus pandemic cut fuel demand worldwide by roughly 30% beginning in early March, but for several weeks, the supply of oil worldwide has continued to build. Even the recent deal by OPEC and other major oil-producing countries to reduce supply will not be fast enough, nor large enough, to drain the millions of barrels of unneeded crude present in the markets. 

That unwanted oil is instead going into storage, but in the United States, storage is filling much more quickly than anticipated. Cushing, Oklahoma, the tiny town of less than 10,000 people that serves as the main U.S. storage hub, was 70% full as of last week, and traders say it will be full within two weeks. 

That realization sparked Monday's sell-off in U.S. futures markets because of the technicalities of the West Texas Intermediate futures contract, which expires on Tuesday. When oil contracts expire, the holder has to take possession of 1,000 barrels of oil for every contract they own, delivered to Cushing. 

However, with Cushing filling up, that leaves traders with the unappetizing option of taking oil they do not want, or getting out of those positions. The mad rush for the door means there were few buyers, and the contract dropped from a normal price of $18 on Friday into unprecedented negative territory. 

"We saw a total collapse in the market. There was everybody selling it into the hole with no buyers," said Phil Flynn, senior market analyst at Price Futures Group. "They're going to have to drive down to a price where someone wants to buy it, and no one wants to buy it." 

For the first few hours of trading on Monday, the May oil futures steadily edged lower, widening the gap between that contract and the June contract, which, while weak, still ended the day at more than $20 a barrel. But with expiration on the way on Tuesday, the selling accelerated in the last two hours, with oil finally hitting negative territory roughly 20 minutes before the close of trading. 

(GRAPHIC: Oil contract gap: https://reut.rs/3eBfgPy) 

Once that level was breached, sellers piled in, sending the contract at one point below negative $40 a barrel before a slight rebound ended what will go down as the worst day since the West Texas Intermediate contract was introduced in 1983. 

"I’m 55 years old, and I worked on the trading floor in college. I’ve been through the first Gulf War, second Gulf War, World Trade Center, dot-com crisis, and nothing came close to this,” said Bob Yawger, director of energy futures at Mizuho in New York. "It could get worse. This situation that we’re in is that bad."


Analysts say this type of market dislocations could recur in coming months because fuel supply will outweigh fuel demand for the foreseeable future. Worldwide oil consumption is roughly 100 million barrels a day, but consumption fell by 30% globally, or about 30 million bpd, beginning in early March. 

However, it took the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, Russia and other countries until early April to agree to cut supply by 9.7 million bpd. Other nations, like the United States and Canada, did not mandate cuts from private industry, but those companies are swiftly reducing output. 

"Activity is in free-fall in North America and is slowing down internationally," said Halliburton Co CEO Jeff Miller, on a company earnings call Monday. 

It will nonetheless take months before those cuts fall enough to come in-line with reduced demand - even if world economies rebound somewhat as people recover from the pandemic, which has killed more than 165,000 people worldwide. With storage soon to be completely full in the United States, crude will not have a place to go.  

Source : https://finance.yahoo.com/news/negative-40-oil-reflects-panic-013707193.html


2020年4月20日 星期一

Newspaper Cutting 021 - 030 (Vocabulary List)

a rash of = 大量 021-004
abandon = 放棄 024-020
absurd point = 荒誔的論點 022-032
access points = 通道的地點 027-019
adequate = 足夠 029-029
adhere = 堅持 023-014
administer = 管理  023-004
airbrush = 噴槍 024-019
amid = 在…之中  024-005
annoying = 煩人的 022-005
apologize = 道歉 027-015
appall = 驚恐 026-015
artificial sun = 人造太陽 025-001
assault = 突擊 026-001
assertion = 斷言  022-019
back and forth = 來來回回 022-007
backpack = 背包 026-020
bash = 重擊  026-007
blanket = 毯  027-021
bloodstream = 血液 023-007
blunt = 不客氣 029-010
boar = 公豬 028-008
boat ramps = 船用的斜坡道  027-005
bobcat = 山貓 028-012
bristled = 怒發衝冠  022-026
bullying = 欺凌 024-008
care home = 養老院 024-002
Care Minister = 護理部長 024-001
catastrophe = 災難 030-001
Caucasian = 白人 026-018
caution = 警告 022-025
clinical = 診所的 029-020
closure = 關閉  021-011
cluster = 簇 030-009
coalition = 聯盟 022-016
coast = 海岸 027-004
collaboration = 合作 029-023
collapse = 崩潰 030-005
comes on the heels of = 緊隨 022-022
commercial application = 商業應用 025-016
conceal = 隱藏 029-025
condemn = 譴責 026-005
confinement = 限制  025-012
confront = 面對 026-009
congregating = 聚集 027-010
constitutional crisis = 憲制危機 022-001
contrary to = 與之相反 022-020
cooler = 冷藏箱 027-020
core plasma temperature = 核心電漿溫度 025-015
coyote = 土狼 028-006
crimping availability of meat = 減少肉的供應 021-009
death toll = 死亡數字 024-018
deceased = 死者 029-015
declared himself = 自我宣布 022-004
descend = 降落 029-006
detective = 警探 023-001
deterioration = 惡化 029-030
diplomatic = 外交 022-013
dire = 說 029-031
disastrous = 慘重 021-014
discharge = 放電 025-013
discretion = 決定 029-001
disgraceful = 可恥 026-016
disregarded = 漠視 022-009
disrupt = 打亂 021-008
distraction = 分心 028-004
distress = 苦惱 028-021
drag = 拖動 026-013
eager to = 渴望 027-002
embrace = 擁抱 030-015
emerge = 出現 027-013
environs = 周圍環境 028-010
Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST)
= 先進實驗超導托馬克實驗裝置,又稱為「人造太陽」
fatalities = 死亡人數 027-008
federal-state = 聯邦州  022-006
fellow = 同伴 022-012
feverish = 發燒 030-006
fiery = 火熱 022-027
first and foremost = 首要的 021-016
founding fathers = 開國元勳 022-008
frontline heroes = 前線英雄 024-017
frustrated = 沮喪的 029-032
frustrating = 令人沮喪 023-010
furiously = 瘋狂地 024-010
fusion technology = 聚變科技 025-006
garbage = 垃圾 028-022
getting along = 相處 022-017
glimpse = 一看 029-021
governor = 總督 022-011
grill = 烤架 027-022
grocer = 雜貨商 021-006
gross negligence = 重大過失 029-002
had deserted = 離開了 029-012
halt = 停止 028-007
has been prasied = 得到了好評 030-014
heartfelt = 衷心 023-015
high-contagious virus = 高傳染性病毒 029-034
humanity = 人類 025-011
implore = 懇求 023-011
inability = 無力 023-009
incompetence = 無能 030-016
indefinitely = 無限期  021-001
independence = 獨立 022-030
interject = 插 024-006
intervention = 介入 029-014
intubated = 插喉 023-006
jabs at = 刺戳 022-010
kick = 踢 026-012
lamb = 羊肉  024-021
leap = 飛躍 025-014
literally = 從文字上看  028-015
livestock = 家畜 021-010
local news outlets = 本地的新聞出處 027-006
lodge = 小屋 028-019
long-term care facility = 長期護理設施 029-003
loosen restriction = 解禁 027-001
luxury = 豪華 029-004
magnetic constraints = 磁力約束 025-008
mankind’s energy problems = 人類能源問題 025-005
mature = 成熟 025-007
mayor = 年長的 021-012 026-004
meat shortages = 肉類短缺 021-002
medically induced coma = 人工昏迷 023-008
meeting venue = 會議場地 030-010
megalopolis = 大都市 022-023
mortality rate = 死亡率 030-025
multistate = 好多個州 022-015
naps = 小睡  028-003
nuclear fusion = 核聚變 025-003
offensive = 冒犯、有攻擊性 022-014
oppositional posture = 反對的姿勢  022-002
outpace = 超過 030-011
outrageous = 令人髮指 029-007
overshoot = 衝過 030-026
overturn = 顛覆 022-031
paramedics = 護理人員 030-007
patrol = 巡邏 027-018
peace officer = 治安官 023-019
perilously = 危險地  021-005
perspective = 透視 024-015
plasma heating = 電漿加熱 025-009
point scoring = 每分必得 024-012
pork processor = 豬肉處理器 021-003
poultry = 家禽 021-019
precursor = 前體、先導 030-019
premier = 首相 029-009
press briefing = 新聞發布會  022-028
pride = 自豪  028-017
prioritizing = 優先 029-036
profoundly = 深刻地 023-017
protective gown = 防護衣 030-020
province = 省 029-024
provincial = 省級 029-026
puffer jacket = 羽絨 026-019
punch = 以拳重擊 026-011
quiz about = 被詢問 024-004
racist = 種族主義者 026-003
ranger = 遊騎兵 028-011
reclaiming = 回收、墾荒 028-005
reemerging = 重新出現 028-009
repercussions = 反響、餘波 021-015
responder = 回覆 027-017
resume = 重新開始、恢復 021-017 027-003
revelation = 啟示 029-005
roaming = 漫遊 028-002
rob = 搶 026-002
roll back = 回滾 022-021
scene = 現場 026-014 029-017
screening = 篩選 029-035
secure = 設法得到 030-023
sedated = 鎮靜的 023-005
self-isolate = 自我隔離 030-021
severe = 嚴重 021-013
severity = 嚴重程度  027-016
shaggy = 毛茸茸 028-025
shocking = 令人震驚的  029-018
shoo = 用「噓」聲轟走 028-023
short-staffed = 人手不夠  029-016
slaughter = 屠宰 024-022
slaughterhouse = 屠宰場 021-007
slightest = 絲毫 024-011
snoozing = 打瞌睡 028-018
social distancing = 社交距離 027-024
soiled bed = 污穢左的牀  029-013
soiled diaper =污穢左的尿布 029-033
spark = 火花 024-007
spring breakers = 春假的放假者 027-014
staggering = 驚人的 029-008
stark = 強壯的 021-018
start to spike = 開始飆升 030-022
statewide = 全州  028-014
steady-state operations = 穩定態運轉 025-010
stench of urine and feces = 屎尿惡臭 029-019
stick together = 聚在一起 026-017
stretch = 伸展、延伸 029-028
strokes = 中風 030-008
strolling = 漫步 028-024
struggle = 鬥爭 029-022
struggle with = 掙扎 030-003
subsided = 消退 023-018
sunbathing = 日光浴 027-011
surfing = 衝浪 027-023
surge = 浪湧 030-004
sympathy = 同情  023-016
take a shot across the bow on = 鞠躬 022-029
tanning = 曬黑 027-009
tarmac = 停機坪 028-020
teeming with = 充滿 028-016
tense conversation = 緊張的對話 024-014
tent = 帳篷  028-013
testing kits = 測試套件  023-012
the gloves came off = 嚴重的爭吵 022-018
track the spread of the virus = 追踪病毒的傳播 023-013
tragedy = 悲劇 029-011
turn away = 拒絕 030-002
TV appearance = 電影亮相 022-003
ultimate solution = 最終解決方案 025-004
uncomfortable to watch = 觀看後感到不舒服 024-009
underlying = 底層的 030-013
underlying medical condition = 底層的醫學狀態 023-002
under-protected = 保護不足的 024-016
understaffed = 人手不足 030-018
untraceable = 無法追踪 030-012
uptick = 上升 027-007
ventilator = 呼吸機 030-024
verbally abused = 出語傷人 026-010
verify = 確認 024-013
victim = 受害者 026-008
violence = 暴力 026-006
vulnerable = 脆弱的  023-003
was accused of = 被指控 024-003
watchdog = 看門狗 029-027
were adamant on = 堅持  022-024
were criticized = 被批評  027-012
widespread = 廣泛 030-017
wildlife = 野生動物  028-001
witness = 證人  028-026

Newspaper Cutting 030 - Japan facing catastrophe in virus fight

Vocabulary : 
(1) catastrophe = 災難 
(2) turn away = 拒絕 
(3) struggle with = 掙扎 
(4) surge = 浪湧 
(5) collapse = 崩潰 
(6) feverish = 發燒 
(7) paramedics = 護理人員 
(8) strokes = 中風 
(9) cluster = 簇 
(10) meeting venue = 會議場地 
(11) outpace = 超過 
(12) untraceable = 無法追踪 
(13) underlying = 底層的 
(14) has been prasied = 得到了好評 
(15) embrace = 擁抱 
(16) incompetence = 無能 
(17) widespread = 廣泛 
(18) understaffed = 人手不足 
(19) precursor = 前體、先導 
(20) protective gown = 防護衣 
(21) self-isolate = 自我隔離 
(22) start to spike = 開始飆升 
(23) secure = 設法得到 
(24) ventilator = 呼吸機 
(25) mortality rate = 死亡率 
(26) overshoot = 衝過


Japan facing catastrophe in virus fight -18 Apr, 2020 

Hospitals in Japan are increasingly turning away sick people as the country struggles with surging coronavirus infections and its emergency medical system collapses. 

In one recent case, an ambulance carrying a man with a fever and difficulty breathing was rejected by 80 hospitals and forced to search for hours for a hospital in downtown Tokyo that would treat him. 

Another feverish man finally reached a hospital after paramedics unsuccessfully contacted 40 clinics. 

The Japanese Association for Acute Medicine and the Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine say many hospital emergency rooms are refusing to treat people including those suffering strokes, heart attacks and external injuries.

Japan initially seemed to have controlled the outbreak by going after clusters of infections in specific places, usually enclosed spaces such as clubs, gyms and meeting venues. 

But the spread of virus outpaced this approach and most new cases are untraceable. 

The outbreak has highlighted underlying weaknesses in medical care in Japan, which has long been praised for its high quality insurance system and reasonable costs. 

Apart from a general unwillingness to embrace social distancing, experts blame government incompetence and a widespread shortage of the protective gear and equipment medical workers need to perform their jobs. 

Japan lacks enough hospital beds, medical workers or equipment. Forcing anyone with the virus into hospital, even those with mild symptoms, has left hospitals overcrowded and understaffed. 

The “collapse of emergency medicine” has already happened, a precursor to the overall collapse of medicine, the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine and the Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine said in a joint statement. 

By turning away patients, hospitals are putting an excessive burden on the limited number of advanced and critical emergency centres, the groups said. 

“We can no longer carry out normal emergency medicine,” said Takeshi Shimazu, an Osaka University emergency doctor. 

There are no enough protective gowns, masks and face shields, raising risks of infection for medical workers and making treatment of COVID-19 patients increasingly difficult, said Yoshitake Yokokura, who heads the Japan Medical Association. 

In March, there were 931 cases of ambulances being rejected by more than five hospitals or driving around for 20 minutes or longer to reach an emergency room, up from 700 in March last year. 

In the first 11 days of April, that rose to 830, the Tokyo Fire Department said. 

Infections in a number of hospitals have forced medical workers to self-isolate at home, worsening staff shortages. 

Tokyo’s new cases started to spike in late March, the day after the Tokyo Olympics was postponed for a year. They have been rising at an accelerating pace for a current total of 2,595. 

With some 10,000 cases and 170 deaths, Japan’s situation is not as dire as many other countries, but there are fears its outbreak could become much worse. 

A government virus task force has warned that, in a worst-case scenario where no preventive measures were taken, more than 400,000 could die due to shortages of ventilators and other intensive care equipment. 

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said the government has secured 15,000 ventilators and is getting support of Sony and Toyota Motor Corp. to produce more. 

Japanese hospitals also lack ICUs, with only five per 100,000 people, compared to about 30 in Germany, 35 in the U.S. and 12 in Italy, said Osamu Nishida, head of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine. 

Italy’s 10% mortality rate, compared to Germany’s 1%, is partly due to the shortage of ICU facilities, Nishida said. 

“Japan, with ICUs not even half of Italy’s, is expected to face a fatality overshoot very quickly,” he said. 

Source : https://uk.yahoo.com/news/japan-facing-catastrophe-virus-fight-041003721.html


2020年4月19日 星期日

Newspaper Cutting 029 - Coronavirus: 31 dead, elderly covered in feces at Dorval long-term care facility

Vocabulary : 
(1) discretion = 決定 
(2) gross negligence = 重大過失  
(3) long-term care facility = 長期護理設施 
(4) luxury = 豪華 
(5) revelation = 啟示 
(6) descend = 降落 
(7) outrageous = 令人髮指 
(8) staggering = 驚人的 
(9) premier = 首相 
(10) blunt = 不客氣 
(11) tragedy = 悲劇 
(12) had deserted = 離開了 
(13) soiled bed = 污穢左的牀 
(14) intervention = 介入 
(15) deceased = 死者 
(16) short-staffed = 人手不夠 
(17) scene = 現場 
(18) shocking = 令人震驚的 
(19) stench of urine and feces = 屎尿惡臭 
(20) clinical = 診所的 
(21) glimpse = 一看 
(22) struggle = 鬥爭 
(23) collaboration = 合作 
(24) province = 省 
(25) conceal = 隱藏 
(26) provincial = 省級 
(27) watchdog = 看門狗 
(28) stretch = 伸展、延伸 
(29) adequate = 足夠 
(30) deterioration = 惡化 
(31) dire = 說 
(32) frustrated = 沮喪的 
(33) soiled diaper =污穢左的尿布 
(34) high-contagious virus = 高傳染性病毒 
(35) screening = 篩選 
(36) prioritizing = 優先 


Coronavirus: 31 dead, elderly covered in feces at Dorval long-term care facility - 11 Apr, 2020 

NOTE: This article contains disturbing content. Please read at your own discretion. 

Quebec Premier François Legault said Saturday that he believed there might have been “gross negligence” by management of a private long-term care facility in Montreal that has seen at least 31 deaths since March 13. 

The facility, Résidence Herron in Dorval near Montreal’s Trudeau airport, is considered to be a luxury retirement home, with room for about 150 residents. It charges thousands of dollars per month for housing and care for each resident. 

Legault made the comments in the wake of revelations about troubling conditions inside the seniors home that came to light more than a week after local public officials descended on the building and discovered what was going on with the disease spreading among patients and staff. 

He was supposed to take the day off on Saturday, but Legault said he decided instead to speak directly to the population because he thought what had happened in the home was outrageous. 

Officials were only able to confirm the staggering number of deaths on Friday night and the premier was blunt, when asked by reporters about what had caused the tragedy in the home for seniors. 

“Obviously, there’s an investigation, so I should be cautious, but I don’t feel like it,” he told reporters at a news conference in Quebec City. “You know it doesn’t make sense when you arrive at a facility and the majority of the staff are gone. So I think it looks a lot like gross negligence.” 

Local health-care officials first arrived on March 29 and found a lot of staff had deserted the facility, leaving many residents lying in soiled beds without having been fed. Two patients died soon after the intervention and at least five of the deceased patients were confirmed to have COVID-19, Legault said. 

The other cases remain under investigation. 

The premier said the first patient from the home was transported to the Jewish General Hospital on March 26, leading up to the first official visit from health officials, three days later. The owner of Résidence Herron refused to let go of the files until Friday night, said Legault. 

On Saturday, Lynne McVey, the president and CEO of the health and social services centre in Montreal’s West Island region said health officials quickly determined, after they arrived, that the facility was short-staffed and would need support from other health-care workers to help clean and feed the residents. 

One nurse who arrived on scene as a volunteer, Loredana Mule, described shocking conditions. 

“We went from room to room, and in every room, the stench of urine and feces could have killed a horse,” she told Global News in an interview. 

The owner of the residence, a Gatineau real estate company called Katasa, also owns six other retirement homes, along with commercial and residential buildings in the Montreal and Ottawa/Gatineau regions. 

It did not respond to requests for comment, but a spokeswoman told City News on Wednesday that it was trying its best to protect staff and serve residents under difficult circumstances. 

McVey, from the regional health authority, said that public officials weren’t able to get all of the answers they needed and contact families because the owner of the facility refused to provide access to clinical files, until the government issued an order on April 8. 

This was also the same day that City News published comments from an interview with Mule, the volunteer nurse, who provided the first detailed glimpse of what was happening inside the building. 

“We know that they were struggling to keep their ratios of staff to residents,” McVey said at a news conference on Saturday. “I would have liked to have more collaboration [from Katasa.] We had to send formal notice on two occasions.”

Legault said the province would be reviewing activities at all of Katasa’s facilities and that the Ministries of Health and Public Safety had requested that Montreal police launch an investigation. He also said officials would be following up at about 40 private long-term care facilities in Quebec to ensure that they are reporting numbers and information that reflect what is happening on the inside. 

“Here the information [at the Herron home] was concealed,” Legault said. “So obviously, it’s hard to be concerned about a long-term care facility that is hiding a situation. We thought there were a few cases [at the Herron home], a few deaths that were confirmed, so we’ll be following up.” 

This isn’t the first time complaints were raised about care provided by the Herron facility. 

In 2017, a provincial watchdog, the Protecteur du citoyen, concluded an investigation into complaints about the treatment of patients, by warning that the facility’s staff were stretched and would struggle to handle an increase in the number of residents, even though it was found to be providing adequate services at that time. 

The watchdog’s investigation also concluded that the facility needed to revise its process for reviewing complaints and improve how it communicates with families of its patients. 

Quebec Health Minister Danielle McCann told reporters on Saturday that she didn’t know whether corrective action was taken. 

“I think there was a follow-up, following this report in 2017, but in the current context of COVID, there was probably a deterioration [at the facility]. Now, we will obviously take all the steps we are talking about today. And furthermore, we will have an extremely serious follow-up of this entire situation with all of the elements we are bringing you today.” 

But McCann added that public health officials had quickly taken charge of the situation after arriving at the home. 

“So it’s a dire situation, but it was corrected,” she said. “And now, as we mentioned, we realize, because we had difficulty with the owner … collaborating and we finally got the keys to open some of the areas.” 

McVey said that staff have since divided the residence into three zones, including a red zone for confirmed COVID-19 patients, a yellow zone for suspected cases and a green zone for others, in order to prevent the disease from spreading. 

But some families have said they were frustrated about how long it took health officials to take control of the situation, noting that they had been kept in the dark about how their relatives were doing in the home. 

Peter Wheeland said his family pulled his mother out of the home and moved her to a hospital out of concerns that there weren’t enough staff at the home to handle the challenging situation and provide updates. 

“My mother was left in soiled diapers for three hours last week,” Wheeland told Global News. “We’re all hugely relieved that my mother is out of there.” 

McVey said that it was seeking to reach all families on Saturday, while noting that their efforts to reach them had been challenging, while monitoring for risks across the network. 

“We haven’t been perfect, and in our private nursing homes, we have staffing concerns,” she said. 

On Friday afternoon, the government announced they will be forming an expert committee to look into how CHSLDs and private residences are handling the COVID-19 crisis across the province. 

The government revealed that six CHSLDs, in particular, are being severely affected by the highly-contagious virus: The CHSLD Laflèche in Shawinigan, CHSLD of Sainte-Dorothée in Laval, Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci in Montreal, CHSLD La Pinière in Laval, CHSLD LaSalle in Montreal and the Alfred-Desrochers Pavillion in Montreal. 

Also Friday, Seniors Minister Marguerite Blais and McCann said a new plan would be put in place to tackle the issues within the residence. The measures will include increased screening, prioritizing facilities that currently have outbreaks, and increasing support to health care workers. 

Source : https://globalnews.ca/news/6807585/coronavirus-dorval-residence/?fbclid=IwAR34ru8y6aZDnSr-uxx13HnoYsdoXOPe_vOgKZUTpE1ibxG0Qv_cqL_pC28



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