2016年5月23日 星期一

各數學教科書與 特別快車7書 的內容一覽表 - Effective Learning Mathematics

Effective Learning Mathematics
Chung Tai Educational Press

1.     Number Systems ................................... 天書 A  29~46條片
2.     Quadratic Equations in One Unknown ...... 天書 A  29~105 條片
3.     Introduction to Functions ........................ 天書 A  106~120 條片
4.     Graphs of Quadratic Functions and their Applications ......... 天書 A  60~68 條片
5.     More About Polynomials ........................ 天書 F  104~123 條片
6.     Equations of Straight Lines .................... 天書 C  5~43 條片
Further Applications of Mathematics I

7.     Exponential Functions ........................ 天書 A  140~161 條片
8.     Logarithmic Functions ........................ 天書 A  162~192 條片
9.     More about Equations ........................ 天書 F  124~152 條片
10.     Trigonometric Functions .................... 天書 B  3~80 條片
11.     Properties of Circles ......................... 天書 F  3~38 條片
12.     Circles and Tangents ........................ 天書 F  39~74 條片
Further Applications of Mathematics II

1.     More about Inequalities ...................... 天書 G  50~107 條片
2.     Applications of Trigonometry in 2-Dimensional Problems ......... 天書 B  81~139 條片
3.     Locus ............................................... 天書 C  109~125 條片
4.     Equations of Circles .......................... 天書 C  46~108 條片
5.     Permutation and Combination ............. 天書 D  56~92, 148~214 條片
6.     More about Probability ....................... 天書 D  3~55, 93~147 條片
Further Applications of Mathematics III

7.     Variations .......................................... 天書 G  31~48 條片
8.     Linear Programming ........................... 天書 G  50~145 條片
9.     More about Graphs of Functions ......... 天書 A  193~201 條片
10.     Measure of Dispersion (I) .................. 天書 D  215~250條片
11.     Measure of Dispersion (II) ................. 天書 D  215~250 條片
Further Applications of Mathematics IV

1.     Arithmetic Sequences ......... 天書 E  3~37, 68~73, 100~102, 106~108, 110~115 條片
2.     Geometric Sequences ......... 天書 E  38~55, 57~108, 110~115 條片
3.     Application of Trigonometry in 3-Dimensional Problems ......... 天書 B  140~167 條片
4.     More about Uses and Abuses of Statistics ........................... 天書 D  215~250 條片

連結 Link:   Herman Yeung 數學 (必修) Maths Core 的 YouTube 課程

連結 Link:   各數學教科書與 特別快車7書 的內容一覽表

連結 Link:   Herman Yeung Blog 主目錄

5 則留言:

nicole tsu 提到...

Hi, i am a f.5 student and i want to revise f.4 math in this summer holiday,so i have already bought your books.However i have a question. i am using the math book which calls effective learning. inside it,ch 3 is introoduction of function .Then,when i follow your guideline, i discover that book f 75-98 videos are belong to introduction of function,when i open book f and youtube, i saw that 75-98 is belong to identities and formula.therefore,i wanna to ask that when i revise introdution to function, i should revise book F (75-98 video) or book A ch.5 (function and graphs) or just both? thanks for answering me!

Herman Yeung 提到...

應該係 A 書先係正確
thanks a lot ^^

nicole tsu 提到...


nicole tsu 提到...

hi,i am f.5 student. i am watching your youtube book F 49 video in 49 video,i dont understand the heron's formula,can u explain? or can u tell me which video u had metioned this formula?

Herman Yeung 提到...

裡面有教到 heron's formula 的意義
及利用 absinC/2 及 cos law
proof 成條 heron's formula 出黎


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